Writer's Toolbox

Neck by a nose

Which is correct, neck-and-neck or neck-in-neck?

Getting snippy

Why is the word scissors plural, and how did we fall into the habit of calling it “a pair of scissors” and then end up clumsily calling it “a scissors”?

Fully conscious


OK, I give up—how do you know when to use 'altogether' and 'all together'?

To E or not to E

Italic otherness

Why do English-language style guides tell us to italicize words in other languages when they appear in English running text?

Uppercase parents

Can you please explain, in terms that a gerbil could understand, when to capitalize Dad and Mum, and when not to, and why?

Wait—white what?

Is there a new meaning of the term 'white elephant'?

Editing on the side

Is it a good idea to finance a writing career by doing freelance editing?

Humour us

Why oh why do we Canadians spell 'humour' with a 'u', but 'humorous' without the 'u'?

Hard art

May I say more about the anguish of writing?

Guten tag, Jerry

Is “jerry-built” an insult to people of German descent?

Pre-washed before

In the world of lettuce packaging, what's the difference between “washed” and “pre-washed”?

The reverential pronoun

Is it necessary to capitalize “he,” “his” and so on when referring to God?

Beginner's luck?

Why would a publisher sign up an unknown novelist's first book and say no thanks to an experienced writer's second book?


Is it usual for an editor to change a writer's text so that some words are repeated severaltimes?