the editors

Wait—white what?

the editors
Advice for the Lit-Lorn

Dear Geist,

? At a recent presentation on bargain cruises for seniors, the speaker went on and on about great places to go and fabulous ships to go there in. Every so often he'd wink and say that we'd soon talk about “the white elephant in the room”—the price tag. In my day a white elephant was a possession or project or plan that had gotten expensive and useless but it was awkward to get rid of. As far as I can google, “the elephant in the room” is much more recent, meaning a subject that hogs emotional space and should really be resolved, but is so awkward that everyone pretends it isn't there. Have these two elephants formed a merger?

Dear Campbell,

No known merger; your understanding of both terms is accurate. But you may have spotted the hatching of a new expression. We encourage you and other readers of Geist Advice for the Lit-Lorn to be alert to any signs that this strange hybrid (or any other new word or phrase) is catching on. And let us know!