the editors

Fully conscious

the editors
Advice for the Lit-Lorn

Dear Geist,

Is there some sort of forum where Canadian writers and editors can exchange ideas, opinions, questions, etc., on how language is evolving in response to new understandings of human experience? These days we are hearing from more people and communities than many of us older folks knew existed. High time! I'm happy to surf the Net to keep on top of things, but a purpose-built forum for people working with language every day would be a welcome tool.

—Jamie B., Edmonton AB

Dear Jamie,

We are glad to recommend the website Conscious Style Guide, whose founder, Karen Yin, “wanted to feature work on kind, compassionate, mindful, empowering, respectful, and inclusive language.” You'll find all that and more at the site, in articles, recommended reading, press commentary, guides to particular subjects (age, health, ethnicity, ability and disability, etc.) and more. “Conscious Style Guide will help you construct and polish your rationale to make educated choices,” the editors write, and indeed, the tone throughout is smart and inviting. But not too polite: “Conscious language is tipping because we are pushing.”

—The Editors