Writer's Toolbox

Editing fail

What should a writer do when a magazine editor makes editorial errors?

This, that, both

Doesn’t the word "oversight," which has two opposite meanings, cause misunderstandings?

Following replacement

Which is correct: “replaced by” or “replaced with”?

Simple and/or scholarly

How can academic writers apply your advice to keep prose simple and direct?


Are the words fictional and fictitious interchangeable? If so, why do we need both?

Word hoards

Can you recommend a good dictionary and thesaurus?

Winners’ circle

Are book publishers as smart as your Advice to the Lit-Lorn column implies all the time? Paul Beatty's Booker-winning satirical novel, The Sellout, was turned down by eighteen publishers before finding a home!

Facing flak

Is it flak or flack? I looked it up in two dictionaries and they disagree. Why?

Workshop, or not

Is the creative writing workshop a good way to learn to write?

Helping or hounding

Am I paranoid, or is my agent trying to hurry me up on my second book?

Adjective queue

When there’s more than one adjective before a noun, does it matter what order they’re in?

Nothing for granted

The steamy bits

Do you have any advice on writing sex scenes?

Do and don’t, plural

How do you punctuate “dos and donts”?

Meddling with poetry

Should a poet put up with a poem being edited?

Net work

Where does a Boomer start in marketing her self-published books via the internet?