The Legend of Freddie Sasakamoose


From They Call Me Chief: Warriors on Ice, published by J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing Inc. in 2008.

One time not too long ago, just out back of this here shack, the one and only Freddie Sasakamoose suited up against a bunch of white boys, who had been having consid­erable success against teams both white and red in and around these parts and, as a matter of fact, all of northern Saskatchewan.

Well, the game started, and those white boys fired the puck into the Indians’ end of the ice and charged after it like a pack of rez dogs after a rabbit. Ha ha! Them poor dumb dogs! Because they didn’t know we had a secret weapon! Fred Sasakamoose was visiting relatives in town and we convinced him to suit up with our team and teach those white boys a lesson!

Well, the puck crossed the red line behind our net and ol’ Freddie just skated back there quite leisurely and wrapped that ol’ bannock biscuit around the blade of his stick, and wound up . . . first back and forth behind his own net, and then up the ice . . . Freddie started stickhandling as if by magic through every one of them white boys. He had the entire other team beat by centre ice, so he wheeled back and I’ll be damned if he didn’t do it all over again. Meanwhile, Fred’s teammates went for a smoke.

Now, some people say Freddie did this just for the fun of it, but I knew Freddie personally and he was always worried about giving the people their money’s worth. After all, folks on the rez had paid 25 cents apiece to see Freddie play and that outdoor rink was packed. Freddie was just giving the folks a show!

And Freddie was never one to embarrass other players too, too much, so he finally just settled in front of the other team’s net . . . them white boys were nowhere near that net by this time, heh heh, they was sprawled all over the ice looking for their long johns! Just their goalie remained behind, and that poor little white boy, he was shivering and shakin’ like a willow in a strong wind.

But instead of firing the puck past that goalie, Freddie just backhanded it high up into the air and skated off the ice to join his teammates for a smoke!

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From, a Quebecois swear generator, which can produce increasingly lengthy chains of French-Canadian curses on demand, in the style of the lorem ipsumnonsense placeholder text.