Here is your rickety wooden poem. Here is your red, peelingpaint poem, your weather-beaten and abused poem. Here isyour hands-full-of-slivers poem, knuckle-broken and arthritic.Here is your tragic prairie poem, your apologetic poem, yourwind and wet-woollen-mitten poem. Here is your graffiti poem,your smudge-of-neon-pink poem, here is your fixer-upper. Hereis your horse’s hoof poem, imprinted and impressed, here isyour nail and horseshoe, your forgiving walls-of-wood poem.Here is your snoozing-in-the-rafters-on-a-sun-stroked-Sunday-afternoon poem, your hay-a-mile-high poem, fantastic fort andhideaway. Here is your cobwebs and sleeping cats poem, yourmidnight and screeching bats poem. Here is your rain-drenched,kissing-in-the-shadows poem, your must and mice and middenpoem. Here is your pitchfork poem, your toss and sneeze andtoss and hork. Here is your hush, your hush, your what’s-the-rush poem, your nest and your welcome home.