Tetchy Sketch

Adrienne Stevenson


Unknown Object

Longlisted for the 2nd Annual Geist Erasure Poetry Contest.

A lot of young people got fired

this year, but the companies

don’t feel ashamed about it.

I can’t help this. But, for one example,

a simple one, I want to change

every heart a bit, to be interested

in others; to know the quality

of friends is not an illusion.

We are all specks of dirt, all live art.

The contemporary blow-hards forget

all this. It will be a genius

who gets it clear at last.

Erasure poetry begins with removing letters and words from an existing text in order to create a new stand-alone piece that provides new meaning to the original passage. For the 2nd Annual Geist Erasure Poetry Contest, we posted an excerpt from the novel How Should a Person Be? by acclaimed Canadian author Sheila Heti.

The 3rd Erasure Poetry Contest is now underway. Enter today!

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Em Dial


bonding our sneakers / together through a fluid / no longer hers but shared


End Times

Distance blurred detail, so all that was visible / in the mysterious vapour were armloads of sparkle / he hauled as if from the sea

Jane Shi

Knot after knot of tomorrow

Two poems by Jane Shi