Writer's Toolbox

On the House

Dear Geist, Does all writing always have to conform to a publisher's house style?

Worked up

Dear Geist, I must take issue with your advice to Tiana in Yarmouth, a writer who hopes to volunteer at a publishing company for a few months.


Dear Geist, How does a first-time novel writer know when it’s time to show their work to others for comment/critique?

Mood blah

Dear Geist, Is it a mistake to try to write when you really aren’t in the mood?

Weeks on end

Dear Geist, Please settle a bet on biweekly—does it mean twice a week, or every second week?

He she it arf arf

Dear Geist, What's your policy on using gender pronouns when referring to animals?

Mission impossibly

Dear Geist, Is anyone but me sick to death of “impossibly,” the new (sort of) favourite adverb in contemporary fiction?

Grammar check

Dear Geist, Yes or no: Do writers have to be proficient in spelling and grammar to be any good?

Particle pickle

Dear Geist, What is a particle?

Who's killing English?

Would you think I'm crazy if I offer to work as an unpaid intern in a publishing company?

Intern plus

Would you think I'm crazy if I offer to work as an unpaid intern in a publishing company?

Cap or trap?

Why does my spelling/grammar checker keep capitalizing the word is in the title of my essay, “What is Empathy”?

Oh, the irony

Have you got a simple definition of the word irony?

Sharpie life

What can you tell me about the word sharpie as a verb?

Asterism, Meet Dinkus

What do you call three asterisks in a row demarcating a section break?


What are the main ways for a young writer to develop their unique writing style, and how long does it take?