Writer's Toolbox

Advice clash

One person said I should write a lot more about the dad character. Another person said that the dad character is superfluous and I should delete him.

Post haste

I have been writing and rewriting a creative non-fiction story for about a year. How do I know when the story is ready to send out?

Using Stative Verbs

A writer in my workshop group said that my verbs in this sentence are weak.

Simultaneous Submissions

I submitted a short story to a magazine four months ago and have not yet heard from them.

Writing from Life with Jane Silcott

From Diary to Graphic Narrative with Sarah Leavitt

Sentences: A sentence is a thought, not a warehouse

Sentences can be large, they can contain multitudes—but not literary litter.

Name your agent

Who did what? If you are writing about people, put them in the sentence.

Sentences: Long is beautiful

If it’s well written, that is.

Going further with farther

Verbs: Avoid the quiet and the copulative

It may sound sexy, but it isn't—not in a strong narrative, anyway.

"And" or "but" at the start of a sentence

Who says it’s not OK?

Acronyms and otherwise

The abbreviation “CBC” is not an acronym. Really.

The order of things

Your prose will flow more smoothly if you narrate things in the order in which they happened.

Living vs. being based

When did we stop living in a place and start being “based” there, as in “Jane Geist, based in Toronto”?

Interview with Mary Schendlinger

Luanne Armstrong interviews Mary Schendlinger on: types of editing, from developmental, structural, to copyediting; writing Geist buys; finding an editor; the term "creative non-fiction."