Writer's Toolbox

Sending, or not

I haven’t sent out very many submissions to magazines and agents because I'm working on my thesis for my Creative Writing MFA. Is it better to submit work and delay completion of the thesis?

The write time

How do real writers get serious time to write?

Preposition fascination

Which is correct: “I am fascinated by fireworks” or “I am fascinated with fireworks”?

Water marks

What’s with fresh water (fresh-water, freshwater) and salt water (salt-water, saltwater)? Can’t the educators and publishers and dictionary writers get together on spelling and punctuation?

Editorial pushback

How much can I object to my editor’s changes before I get a reputation for being a jerk?


Are the words "repetitious" and "repetitive" interchangeable?


I have begun to approach agents with my book proposal. How much minor activity should I include on my CV?

Writing before writing

What exactly is pre-writing and how much writing time should I devote to it?

Running on

The writing in Geist is known to be of a high calibre even though it contains an awful lot of run-on sentences. Is that because it’s okay to bend the rules in literary writing?

Funnies by any other name

I’m writing and drawing a book, a true story, and I don’t know what to call it. Comic book? Graphic novel?

Saying bad

Which is right, “I feel badly” or “I feel bad”?

Dis or un?

What's the difference between "disinterested" and "uninterested"?

Poetry to go

I am interested in submitting some poems that I’ve written over the last five years. I have never published any poetry. Is it best to submit to a contest?

Respectful recounting

I have written a short story about a client (I help people deal with their hoarding issues). How do I tell the story of his living space and his attachment to his piles of stuff, and respect his privacy at the same time?

Comparing pairing

Is it better English to write “compared to” or “compared with”?

All the while

What is the difference, if any, between “a while” and “awhile”?