Writer's Toolbox

Sahara, or not

What’s wrong with writing “Sahara Desert”?

Fickle hyphen

Why is lieutenant-governor spelled with a hyphen and governor general without a hyphen?

Notes to a poem

When submitting a poem to a contest or a journal, is it usual to include explanatory notes at the end, such as the source of a quoted sentence, or the fact that permission has been granted to quote?

Protracted writing

I am a grade nine, philosophizing logophile trapped in a frustrating predicament. My problem is that I take too much time writing my English assignments.

Why because

Are more and more people saying “the reason is because…,” or have I just begun to notice how irritating it is? I’m no language expert but this expression is screamingly redundant, and now I see or hear it every day.

Thanks, I think

I received a comment from my writing instructor that read "You are a beautiful writer." I contend it does not mean the same thing as “You write beautifully.”

Fair use/dealing

I was surprised that your reply to Heather B., in the Lit-Lorn post Song in Print, did not mention “fair use.” While I’m aware that the definition of fair use is somewhat amorphous, it could be of use to this author.

Turning the key

I've been sending out stories to publishers for years but usually don't even get a brush-off. Just silence. Either I'm a terrible writer or my stuff is somehow missing the current trends in what is demanded by editors.

No thanks, no details

How do I find a publisher or agent if I don't have the experience of creating a manuscript?

Song in print

Is it my responsibility to obtain permission to quote song lyrics prior to submitting my full manuscript for publication, or is this something the publisher would do?

Diving correctly

Which is correct: “He dove into the water,” or “He dived into the water”?

Day job

I'm a writer who needs a "regular job" for food and rent. Some of my writing friends say it's better to get any kind of writing job, and others say I should do something completely different. Want to weigh in?

Cover story

Help! My first novel is in production, and I hate hate hate the publisher’s cover image. She’s great, and I like her and don’t want to spoil that, but nor do I want to cry myself to sleep every night.

When to write

Studies show that early morning is the best time to write, but I am not—repeat, not—a morning person. Any advice?

Question on query

When querying a publisher or agent, how does a writer include all the necessary data and still keep it short?

Agent, or not?

Do I need an agent to get my first book published?