Writer's Toolbox

Something Fishy

Which is correct: That shirt smells of fish, or That shirt smells like fish?


How do publishers calculate advances when they accept a book for publication?

Bad Habit

How can I stop over-using the word "very"?

Amazing Exploding Sentence

How can I break up a logjam in my novel?

Getting Serious

I'm having no luck at all getting agents or publishers interested in my book, a work of serious non-fiction. Are people not reading this kind of book any more?


Why did my history prof take off marks for writing that a certain general in history was “aggravating”?

Double Standard

Why do literary agents’ requirements vary so much?


What are a few tips or exercises to keep us hardworking writers in shape?

Conditional Weather

What’s the difference between weather and weather conditions?

On and On

Is it okay to not like long sentences?

Being Sure

What is the difference between ensure and insure? Are there times when either one is okay?

Proofing Heads-up

Are expensive, last-minute proofing fees normal?

Zero Hour

How firm are a writer’s deadlines specified in the contract with a publisher?

Round Spherical Ring

Does the phrase 'centre around', as in “the conversation centred around issues of freedom,” bug anyone but me? A centre is a fixed spot, and other stuff moves around it, right?


What makes grade 5 teachers so effective at imprinting on students their dogmatic, but incorrect, opinions on grammar and usage?

Rule of Law

Is there any difference between illegal and unlawful?