the editors

Zoom Doom

the editors
Advice for the Lit-Lorn

Dear Geist,

Recently a good writer friend invited me to a small zoom writers' and editors' gathering, arranged for writers in western Canada to chat up real live editors for low fees in the eastern US. What an opportunity! I showed up on time and sat right down with an editor, and we ended up talking for 20 minutes. She was knowledgeable and helpful and had some excellent pointers for me. Wow! I could hardly walk back to my chair I was so pumped! Until my friend tore a strip off me for "hogging" the agent, even though everyone in the room was encouraged to talk to others and all of us were busy every minute. I apologized all over the place but it wasn't enough. My friend was furious and he's still steamed up.

Any advice? Are these things common? If so, what are the procotols?

Sad and Dumb, Calgary AB

Dear Sad and Dumb,

We have never heard of such a gathering. Perhaps they are new, or perhaps it's another "flash" online or series online for writers to meet and talk to publishers. Whatever it is, of course you are sad, but we don't think you are dumb. Your friend or a host of the event should have made everything crystal clear to avoid just this kind of confusion. We're guessing the next such gathering will be prepared more carefully, if there is one.

As for your friendship, you did the right thing, apologizing sincerely and trying to make amends. No friend could do better. And whatever you do, keep writing.

The Editors