the editors


the editors
Advice for the Lit-Lorn

Dear Geist,

Am I a genius, or a low-priority author? My first book is coming out soon and I just got the edited manuscript back from the editor. I had palpitations about it all summer because my published friends warned me what a shock it is to get editorial notes, how it’s like starting over. Well, I tore open the package and there’s hardly any notes at all! Some copy-tweaking and a couple of queries, that’s it. Now I wonder if the publisher is pulling back spending on my book because they don’t expect it to sell very well. . .

Nervous Naomi, Lloydminster SK

Dear Nervous,

We don’t know any publisher who would skimp on substantive editorial work to save money. When early sales indications are more modest than expected, a company is more likely to revise some aspect of the sales strategy. If you have an agent, now is the time to sit down for a cup of coffee and a talk on the subject—the agent will speak frankly, and will check with the publisher if need be. If you don’t have an agent, you can approach the editor. From your query, though, we gather you weren't hoping for a major editorial intervention, just expecting one. Perhaps you can just pat yourself on the back!

—The Editors