the editors

The handy dandy 5-W sentence

the editors
Writers Toolbox

You can’t beat a 5-W sentence for starting a narrative, keeping you going when you’re stuck, and getting you back on track when you lose your way.

5 Ws
When and where, who did what and why?


  • Declarative: makes a statement—She smashed the plate.
  • Imperative: gives an order or instruction—Go ahead, smash the plate.
  • Interrogative: asks a question—Who smashed that plate?

Some sample 5-W sentences in the various moods:

The baby cried so hard that Joanie packed him in the stroller at 2:00 in the morning and ran all the way to the hospital.

Mood: Declarative

5 Ws: All there

Last Halloween in the pumpkin patch, my sister saw a ghost and peed her pants.
Mood: Declarative
5 Ws: WHY is implied but not stated

To write well in the morning, brew yourself a giant pot of strong coffee and turn off the ringer on your phone.

Mood: Imperative

5 Ws: WHERE is implied but not stated

Why would the plumber tear open the wall and inspect the pipes when he found no evidence of leaks?
Mood: Interrogative
5 Ws:

All there, but at least one is questioned rather than stated