the editors

Beware of getting involved

the editors
Writers Toolbox

To get involved with involved is to set foot on a slippery slope.

Involved can force the writer to use a gerund, which is best avoided: “The work involved lifting heavy boxes”; or to write a static sentence: “School involves long hours and late parties.” In these uses, involved masquerades as an interesting verb. Perhaps the writer wants to suggest that much more is “involved” in the activity than will be mentioned here, but the sentence becomes imprecise, and therefore vague and lifeless.

When you are tempted to use involved in this way, write a 5-W sentence instead, or just write down who did what. “Veronica lifted 25-kilogram boxes from the floor to the conveyor belt for two hours every workday morning.” The subject becomes the subject of the sentence (Veronica rather than the work), and the activity is pinpointed for the reader.