From drift, published by Anansi in 2006.
Their initial eagerness, then the disappointment on theirlittle faces when you tell them it’s promontories notdormitories, hills not thrills, ports not Port . . . or portfolios—in short, that you have nothing they need screw you for.Though you can’t see why the essentialist should thrive: draws a box instead of a square, blot instead of a circle, spot on a globe, globe on a silly carousel, roaming speck on a vorticist’s dream of a cold, quiet, charismatic nada . . .But no attention to detail—Yonge Street versus Old Yonge, newcomers and Old Cummer, Grosvenor Square versusGrosvenors Crescent and Place . . . Forget it, you’ll chart the ant farms anyway, greenhouse to townhouse to bungalow—you’ve worked with illiterates before and got them all home in one piece (-ish). Once the ones are counted, it’s all about vocation —who’s on the hill, who’s in the trenches—while the tenants grouse and organize, haul fresh bodies home for dinner.