A list of possible forthcoming titles in a choose-your-own-adventure series, the first being You Are a Cat!, published by conundrum press in 2011.
You Are a Cat!You Are Doing 20 to Life!You Are Committing Suicide!You Are a Cult Leader!You Are Homeless!You Are Jesus Christ!You Are Old!You Are a School Shooter!You Are a Concentration Camp Cop!You Are Sent Back in Time to Kill Hitler!You Are Obsessed with Johnny Depp!You Are an Escaped Slave!You Are Alice’s Mum!
Inspired by the gamebook fad of the late 80s — You Are a Cat! is both a parody and homage, focusing on a dysfunctional family, but told through the eyes of their cat. Fully a third of the book is lavishly illustrated from the feline first-person floor perspective. The different choices you make affect people and events! Even something as seemingly trivial as whether or not to purr can result in dramatic changes.