From Home of Sudden Service, published by Nightwood in 2006.
We met when we were young enough to know each street, and side street, of our town by name.That beauty changes us and why and howbecomes apparent when you live below a mountain. What was its name again? We met when we were young enough to know.This is what we saw from our windows: a parking lot, a dollar store, rain. That beauty could change us and why and howseemed unjust. Unfair! What did we know but that our loves seemed dull and strange. We met when we were young enough to knowwe’d move to far-off places. We had hopes to find ourselves on MTV, so certain beauty could change us. Why and howseemed unimportant, as long as we’d just go. So some left, some didn’t; all of us changed. We met when we were young enough to know that beauty could change us—not why or how.