From nipê wânîn. Published by Thistledown Press in 2017.
uncle sits at the table
italy—he says
that’s where he left his finger
lucky he didn’t lose his mind
he chuckles
auntie checks the kettle
wipes her dry hands—folds a dishtowel in a tight rectangle—pours
the tea
mom stirs her cup
except for the clink of metal
on kokom’s shiny white china
dad breaks his cookie
places a piece on his tongue—doesn’t chew
savoring the taste of chocolate
“go and play with the kids”
“she doesn’t want to miss anything”
uncle nods—begins his story again
nisis micisonâtikoh sonêpiw
italy itwêw
êkotê kâkî nakata ocîcîs
notinikêw askiy
takotani namôya omamitonêhicikan wanîtât
pâhkwaham ocîciya
nahêkinam pâkwayâkanan
sikinam maskikiwapoy
nikâwiy itêham ominikwâcikan
kwâ mwâtan
têpiya kipêhtên nôhkom ominikwâcikana
nohtâwiy pâhkwênêsiw wîkîkasosa
otêyani apisîs ahêw
namôya mâmâkwamêw
kôkosimihko wâwîkistam
nitawi wîcimêtawêm awâsisak
namôya kikway nohtê pahtinam
nisis nânâmiskwêyêw
kîhtwam mâci âcimow