
99¢ Bin


One 6-oz rubber hockey puck at Canadian Tire

  • Postage to send one 30 gram letter anywhere in Canada
  • 3 minutes and 46.5 seconds of Bobcaygeon by The Tragically Hip on iTunes
  • Not quite 4 sour cream glazed Timbits™
  • 10.25 pages of Geist
  • 40.25 raw natural almonds
  • 19 minutes, 48 seconds of dryer time at Budget Coin Laundry on Dundas Street in Toronto
  • 9.96 metres of scotch tape
  • 5.7 minutes of labour under BC minimum wage
  • 7 Ikea meatballs
  • 178.5 millilitres of Granville Island Brewing Lions Winter Ale
  • 43.5 minutes of rental housing in Dundas West in Toronto
  • 2.6 photographs on a 24-exposure roll of Fujifilm
  • 14 minutes and 51 seconds of internet use at Net Effect Internet Café in Toronto
  • 74 millilitres of Pumpkin Spice Latte plus unlimited WiFi at Starbucks
  • 108 seconds of long-distance calling within Canada
  • 938 millilitres of gasoline; approximate driving distance: 11.2 km
  • Nearly one minute in a tanning bed.
  • 4.7% of a Bob & Doug DVD on Amazon.
  • Tags


    Kelsea O’Connor is contributing editor to Geist. She lives in New Westminster.


    Kate Cayley


     The vines were biding their time, full of life force that did not care about her or how sorry she was

    Angélique Lalonde

    Lady with the Big Head Chronicle

    I am wholly unimportant—just a witness to her shapeshifting, possessed of a voice that can be compelled into song by the land’s unfolding

    David Huebert

    The Business of Salvation

    I watch the lights slip and slur on the headpond and think down, toward the dam, the embankment and the long drop of the spillway where the water rests, whirled and stunned