
Heart So Hungry: The Extraordinary Expedition of Mina Hubbard into the Labrador Wilderness

Patty Osborne

In Randall Silivis’s book Heart So Hungry: The Extraordinary Expedition of Mina Hubbard into the Labrador Wilderness, (Knopf), we get only one story: Mina Hubbard’s real-life adventure. She begins by following her husband Leonidas, but succeeds on her own merits. Leonidas may or may not be a foolish man, but he dies of starvation and exposure while attempting with two other men to map the interior of Labrador. Mina has returned to Brooklyn after accompanying him to a drop-off point at Battle Harbour on the coast of Labrador.

Three months later her husband is dead, and after a period of mourning, she makes plans to complete his mission. Perhaps because she understands her lack of wilderness survival experience better than her husband did, she relies on three experienced men to guide her on her journey.

At times the author goes a little too far in suggesting a romantic relationship between Mina and one of her guides, but the story stays grounded by the letters and diaries that are excerpted throughout the book, and Silvis has created a well-written, believable narrative to tie it all together.

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