The Geist Work Shanty Writing Contest Examples

The writing contest that's bringing back the old timey work shanty updated for new timey jobs! All winning entries will be published in Geist and on

Here are some li'l ditties we put together to get those brains a-workin':

I’s the barista that steeps the tea

And I’s the barista that sells her

I’s the barista that creates the drinks

And brings them to your table

Swig your coffee, entrepreneur

Swig your latte, unpaid author

Mocha, London Fog, Cappuccino

All around the café

Webdev-o, Python-o

Coding all night long I know

Java, Perl and Ruby-o

To Android this app must go

Deploy before the sun does glow

Oh, the year was 1978

How I wish I’d studied business now

A degree of English I earned then

All to deliver the daily news

God damn the web! I had heard

We’d write and sell our newspapers

We’d lose no subs, shed no staff

But we are struggling each day while Facebook laughs

The last of print news publishers

Good luck and happy writing!

Deadline: December 15, 2018

If you’re not sure what a shanty is, check out this YouTube playlist. For a classic example of a sea shanty, check out “Barrett’s Privateers” by Stan Rogers.

Want more information on prizes, how to enter, or any other burning questions? Check out the Work Shanty Writing Contest page, or the Work Shanty Writing Contest FAQ.

Still unsure? Please email or call 604-681-9161 with your queries.



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