Third Prize winner of the 5th Occasional Geist Erasure Poetry Contest.
Aliens ate my precious heart. They liked the flavor.
With it gone, I was surprised to find my agitation forgotten.
The physicians were perplexed. However, they agreed it seemed a blessing.
On the whole, I felt more free. I was quite capable, now, of life.
I could wander about.
Drink. Eat.
I became a cannibal.
It was easy. But then,
I grew hungry for you, your life.
So, pardon the intrusion. I could not control my feelings.
Press my hand now and be born.
The Erasure Text for the 5th Occasional Geist Erasure Poetry Contest is an excerpt from A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder, by James De Mille, published by Harper & Brothers in 1888.