Arts Reviews

VIFF 2014: Still Life

Annette Reinhart

Still Life is the award-winning new film from Uberto Pasolini, who made the 1997 smash-hit, The Full Monty.

A London council worker (John May), who leads a careful and quiet life, has the unusual job of locating the next of kin for the unclaimed dead. For those with no kin, he creates respectful ceremonies and eulogizing narratives based on the items and photos he finds in their homes.

This is an unhurried film with ponderous shots, many of which are of Mr. May, who lives and works amidst monotone colours and ordered spaces and keeps a meticulous scrap book of photos of the deceased for whom he has created a thoughtful funeral that was attended only by himself. We follow Mr. May as he tries to reconstruct the life story of Billy Stoke, a rambunctious alcoholic who had an adventurous life of wild abandon and risk-taking. Billy Stoke also lived in the flat directly across from Mr. May’s, and he seems to have been everything that John May isn’t.

This is Mr. May’s last assignment in this job, and as he uncovers the life of Billy Stoke, we see him take baby steps out of his tidy existence and into a promising new life—all with unexpected consequences.

There is plenty to recommend in this well-made British film: this is a humourous, sentimental, curious and spare movie that will appeal to most everyone. It is also a touching tribute to those, like Mr. May, who honour and dignify those who die alone.



Monday Oct 6, 4 pm PLAY

Wednesday Oct 8, 7:15 pm PLAY

Buy tickets here.



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