Dan Post's Blog

Top 5 Book Burnings

- Heinrich Heine

In light of the Gainesville pastor whose profound ignorance led him to believe that the extreme and violent act of burning the Qu'ran is a rational protest against what he called 'extreme and violent Muslims', here are 5 other famous instances of book burning, biblioclasm, and libricide:

1. Fahrenheit 451

Terrifyingly, Bradbury's vision of 'the future' is a lot closer to reality than Michael J Fox riding a hoverboard

2. Harry Potter (read more)

It's like the Salem witch trials meets The Chronicles of Narnia

3. The Libraries of Alexandria (read more)

Who didn't get blamed for this one?

4. The Satanic Verses

Oh the irony !

5. Nazi's - May 10, 1933

Bonus: The San Fransisco Pink Book Slasher

You've got to wonder how book burning will factor into the supposed digital literary revolution. Is cyber book burning the answer? Something tells me burning a Kindle or an iPad just wouldn't have the same effect. (Ha!...Kindling)



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