The Jackpine Sonnet contest is focused on reviving a Canadian form created by Milton Acorn, who is also known for his award conceived from his wake: the Acorn-Plantos Award. This award is still ongoing, and if you are a poet with a book published in the previous calender year then you can apply. The Acorn-Plantos Award for Peoples Poetry is awarded annually to a Canadian poet, based on a book published in the previous calendar year. The work should follow in the tradition of Acorn, Livesay, Purdy, Plantos and others by being accessible to all people in its use of language and image. The award is open to any living poet who is a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. The work may be entered by the poet or the publisher. The award itself honours the poet. The award consists of a cheque for $500.00 CDN and a medallion. The deadline for entries published in 2009 is June 30, 2010, received. To enter, send five copies and a cheque for $25.00 for each title to: Acorn-Plantos Award c/o Jeff Seffinga 36 Sunset Avenue Hamilton ON L8R 1V6 For further information contact jeffseff@allstream.netPrevious winners include Brian Bartlett, Sharon McCartney, Christine Smart, Ronnie R. Brown, Laisha Resnau, and Erin Noteboom.