This very entertaining documentary by debut filmmaker Jillian Schlesinger chronicles the story of Laura Dekker, a fourteen-year-old Dutch girl and avid sailor. She spent almost a year in court in order to be allowed to undertake her dreamed of solo journey around the world. Then she set sail on her long voyage in her sailboat, Guppy, which she refurbished alongside her father and is full of tinned food, pasta, charts and digital maps.
Laura remains unfazed by dangerous seas or storms. She sails into Cape Town under conditions that alarm even the most experienced locals. She also passes a notoriously difficult strait north of Australia and it takes several weeks to get her boat back in working order. Full of confidence though, these physical challenges don't trouble her.
The worst times are the days without wind when Laura must just drift. While at first she misses her family, she becomes used to being alone. Quite touching are some relationships she builds along the way and the eccentricity of people like her who are obsessed with being at sea. Finally, Maidentrip is a moving exploration of silence and solitude, especially remarkable in a teenage girl (who is sometimes bopping around to pop music).
Most of the footage was shot by Laura herself who is still living a life at sea. A few screenings remain in Vancouver at the Vancity Theatre.